Embrace the Dark Experiences

Embrace the Dark Experiences

Walking at night can feel a bit like a mini-adventure. Instead of succumbing to the settee you’re doing something different to your usual routine. By doing so, it opens up a whole new world both outside - and inside of you.

Believe it or not, it’s a fantastic way of combatting those winter blues as it expands your horizons, stimulating your happy chemicals. Even a bite-sized bit of time after dark makes you feel exhilarated.

Let's face it, there’s nothing quite like a starry sky to make you feel more alive and at one with the universe. Or being on top of a moor when there's a magical full moon takes you away from the everyday.
The activity totally focuses the brain, so you become more aware to the natural environment around you.

Include a sensory experience coupled with learning about the night sky, your 'WOW' factor will increase. A lot.

Head to the Events Calendar for up to date dark skies events.

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